Causes of neck issues include trauma, degeneration, dislocation, tumor, fracture or even infection. The discs, nerve roots, bones, soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, bursa, and ligaments can also cause notable neck discomfort.
Zygapophysial, or facet joints, have been identified as the primary source of chronic neck pain in up to 67% of sufferers. (source: International Association for the Study of Pain). These facet joints have ample nerve supply with pain receptors causing sharp and dull constant pains in the neck, shoulders, base of the skull, and upper arms.
The facet joints can cause significant neck pain on the right side, left side, or in the middle. They can also cause headache, shoulder pain and other upper extremity discomfort.
Other than saying it, there is nothing funny about a bulging disc. When one of your discs bulge, the pain will let you know.
Enter the Painkiller, Dr. Randall Pain, who is professionally trained to whip your disc back into shape, restoring the spinal shock absorber to its original working order.
Most commonly, bulging discs create pressure points on nearby nerves which create a variety of sensations. Evidence of a bulging disc may range from mild tingling and numbness to moderate or severe pain, depending on the severity.
Symptoms can include tingling or pain in the fingers, hands, arms, neck, and/or shoulders in the cervical area. Pain in the feet, thighs, lower spine, and buttocks could indicate an issue in the lumbar region. Difficulty walking or feeling of impairment while lifting things can be serious and require immediate attention.
While there are no hard and fast guidelines for treating a bulging disc, the primary goals of any treatment are twofold, to provide relief of pain, especially leg pain which can be quite severe and debilitating, and to allow patients to return to a normal level of everyday activity.
If you allow your bulging disk to become herniated, which is equally funny to say, but much more severe, pain, treatment, and recovery are more extreme.
Your treatment plan is based on our many years of experience diagnosing neck pain with such tools as x-rays, MRI scans, CT scans and nerve conduction studies. Treatment methods include NSAIDs, antidepressant medications, anticonvulsants, opiates, physical therapy, and chiropractic care. Other important treatment options can include stretching, being fitted with and wearing a neck brace, gravity inversion, manipulation therapy, and injection therapy. If those treatment options do not work as expected, the last resort to be considered is spinal surgery.